The aim of this proposal is to provide a suitable framework to develop a competitive and high-quality research in Molecular Nanoscience. We intend to take advantage of complementary theoretical and experimental capabilities put in common in this Project to tackle ambitious and high-impact problems in Molecular Nanoscience, which are not possible to solve in the framework of a standard research project. In fact, this Project pretends that the synthetic capabilities of chemists, together with the better understanding on the self-organization processes occurring in biological systems, results in the preparation of sophisticated molecular and supramolecular systems which can represent a challenge for the instrumental capabilities developed by physicists. Specifically, the activities of the CONSOLIDER team, formed by organic and inorganic chemists, molecular biologists, biophysicists and condensed matter physicists, will focus on:
The design, synthesis and characterizaton of molecules, supramolecules and nanoparticles with electronic, magnetic or biological functionalities.
The use of a molecular approach to produce and functionalise, in a convenient way, the surfaces of nanoparticles and other nano-materials.
To deposit and organise molecules and nano-materials over surfaces of either organic or inorganic substrates and to study their interactions and auto-organisation.
To experimentally determine the structural, functional, electronic and magnetic properties of these nanomaterials at very low temperatures, liquid state or ultra-high vacuum, and to simulate them theoretically.
To explore their use as nano-mechanical devices, in molecular electronics (as OLEDs and solar cells), in chemistry (as molecular sensors) and in medicine (as contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging, or as bio-sensors in anti-tumoral therapies by hyperthermia).
This project is financed by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad trough the Consolider- Ingenio 2010 program, reference CSD2007-00010 and through grant NANOMOLNet - RED CONSOLIDER EN NANOCIENCIA MOLECULAR - MAT2014-52919-REDC 1/12/2014 – 30/11/2016