Molecular Spin Science & Technology

						Research objectives and activities

O3.1) Design of robust and processable spin qubits for their integration in solid state qubit devices. We want to experimentally and theoretically address some of the current challenges related to spin dynamics in two classes of magnetic molecular materials of interest as spin qubits: molecular nanomagnets and quantum spin liquids (QSLs).

O3.2) New concepts in spintronic devices. We aim to explore new concepts in spintronics by playing with molecular functionality and with the vdW interactions between 2D magnets.

We will fabricate multifunctional spin valves that can respond to external stimuli thanks to the insertion of SCO materials between the ferromagnetic electrodes. This goal has been in the spotlight during the last years but remains a challenge. 						

Groups in this line

Coordination Chemistry Group
Solid State Spectroscopy Group
2D Smart Materials Lab
Crystalline Inorganic Solids Lab
With the support of:
Ayuda CEX2019-000919-M financiada por:
Postal Address:
Universidad de Valencia
Instituto de Ciencia Molecular
Catedrático José Beltrán Martínez nº 2
46980 Paterna