• Registration
Attendance will be limited to about 100 participants, of which 65 will be European students chosen on the basis of their interest and contributions to the subject area. Those interested in participating in the School should fill in the Registration

Registration Open (until April 18th 2023)
Write your ID/passport number to submit or modify your pre-registration form:
• Pre-registration: March 21st 2023
• Abstracts submission: March 21st 2023
• Final registration: April 18th 2023
• Registration fee payment: April 18th 2023

Students and junior researchers
The registration fee for students and junior researchers, including full board accommodation from May 7th to 12th in double room is:
• 350€ for regular students and junior researchers
• 300€ for students of the Master in Molecular Nanoscience and Nanotechnology and for students and junior researchers that are members of the Specialized Group on Nanoscience and Molecular Materials of the RSEQ and RSEF (membership fee is 39€/year).

The registration fee for doctors, including full board accommodation, is:
• 90€/night in single room
• 70€/night in double room

Payment options
You should pay your registration fee by bank transfer to:

Bank account:
IBAN:ES95 2100 1823 51 0200066561
Account holder:
Universitat de València
CIF: Q4618001D
Bank name:
Bank office address:
Av. País Valencià, 16. 46970- Alaquàs (Valencia)

Reference must be: Attendee's name and surname.

Bank transfer fees must be paid by the sender.

If you need an invoice to do the bank transfer, please request it by mail. Otherwise, invoices will be send after the school takes place.
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