Three researchers from the Institut de Ciència Molecular (IcMol) have been awarded on Sunday with several research awards. Two of them were presented on the opening session of the 11th International Conference on Molecule-based Magnets that was held this year in Florence (Italy). The third one was awarded on Saturday during the closing ceremony of the 2nd EUChems Chemistry Congress at Turin.
José Ramón Galán, from the Problems in Inorganic Chemistry Lab at l’ICMol, was presented with the OKIA Research Award (Olivier Kahn International Award) for his significant contribution in the Molecular Magnetism field. This is the second edition of this biannual award considered the most prestigious one on Molecular Magnetism in Europe.
On the other hand, Luminita Marilena was presented with the European Award for a Doctoral Thesis on Molecular Magnetism, awarded to the three best recently defended thesis in Europa. This young researcher, which is currently doing a stay at a Dutch university, prepared her doctoral thesis under the supervision of Miguel Julve.
Finally, the Gold Medal for the Ph.D. student category of the EUCheMs (European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences) has been awarded to Guillermo Mínguez, who has been recently hired at IcMol with a Juan de la Cierva contract. This award is presented to the best young European doctor on Chemistry.