ICMol takes part in the 7th Summer Scientific Campus of the International Campus of Excellence VLC/CAMPUS

calendar_today Jul 21, 2017
ICMol takes part in the 7<sup>th</sup> Summer Scientific Campus of the Internati...

60 pre-university students visited the facilities of the Molecular Science Institute during the 7th Summer Scientific Campus, which is organized by the "Valencia International Campus of Excellence VLC/CAMPUS", together with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) and supported by Obra Social La Caixa.

Students between 15 and 18 years old learned about the scientific research carried out at the Institute. They also had the opportunity to discover the cutting-edge equipment available at our laboratories.

The visits took place on the 4th and 18th of July. Some of the Institute members gave a general overview of the research lines and groups working here. They also clarified the basic safety rules to follow when working in a lab. On the first day, the basics about nanoparticles and the Magnetic Super Capacitor based on graphene-FeNi3 nanocomposites were explained. Then, the students had the chance to get closer to a clean room and to discover the use of some equipment, namely: powder X-ray diffraction, an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), an optical microscope and a contact angle goniometer. On the second day, they learned about photochemistry, supramolecular chemistry and their bio-medical and sensing applications. The researchers also showed how to measure photochemical properties of the materials by means of fluorimeters, photoreactors and nanosecond lasers.

For further information on the International Campus of Excellence, visit the following links:


With the support of:
Ayuda CEX2019-000919-M financiada por:
Postal Address:
Universidad de Valencia
Instituto de Ciencia Molecular
Catedrático José Beltrán Martínez nº 2
46980 Paterna