With over 580 publications amassing 34.392 citations and an H-index of 91, his career has always been characterized by a high interdisciplinarity and impact in chemistry, physics and materials science. Coronado has been at the forefront of Molecular Magnetism during the last 25 years making seminal contributions in the chemical design, physical characterization and theoretical modelling of molecular nanomagnets and multifunctional materials. He leads two ERC AdG in Molecular Spintronics and 2D materials. His relevance goes well beyond Molecular Magnetism and is also strongly appreciated in the areas of Polyoxometalate Chemistry, Molecular Conductors and Superconductors, Molecular Electronics and, more recently, Molecular Spintronics, Quantum Computing (Magnetic Molecules as qubits) and 2D materials.
Eugenio Coronado is the Director of the Molecular Science Institute (ICMol) at the University of Valencia and of the European Institute of Molecular Magnetism (EIMM).
Research interests
Chemistry of Molecular Materials
- Polyoxometalate chemistry.
- Inorganic magnetic clusters.
- Inorganic molecule-based magnets.
- New molecular conductors.
- Hybrid organic-inorganic molecular materials combining magnetism with conducting or optical properties.
- Organized magnetic films.
- Electroactive conducting polymers.
Physical characterization of Molecular Material
- Magneto-structural properties (ac and dc susceptibilities, magnetization, ESR, Inelastic Neutron Scattering, single-crystal X-ray diffraction).
- Transport properties (single-crystal electrical conductivities, magnetoresistance).
Models in Molecular Magnetism
- Exchange interactions in large magnetic clusters and low dimensional magnets.
- Energy levels and magnetic properties.
- Exchange interactions between orbitally degenerate centers.
- Double exchange and electron delocalization in Mixed Valence systems.
Alberola, A; Coronado, E; Galán-Mascarós, JR; Giménez-Saiz, C; Gómez-GarcÃa, CJ
A molecular metal ferromagnet from the organic donor bis(ethylenedithio)tetraselenafulvalene and bimetallic oxalate complexes"
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 125 2003
| 10.1021/ja035772k
Alberola, A; Coronado, E; Galán-Mascarós, JR; Giménez-Saiz, C; Gómez-GarcÃa, CJ; Martinez-Ferrero, E; Murcia-MartÃnez, A
Multifunctionality in hybrid molecular materials:: Design of ferromagnetic molecular metals"
Synth. Met. 135 2003
| 10.1016/S0379-6779(02)00785-3
Alberola, A; Coronado, E; Galán-Mascarós, JR; Giménez-Saiz, C; Gómez-GarcÃa, CJ; Romero, FM
Multifunctionality in hybrid molecular materials:: design of ferromagnetic molecular metals and hybrid magnets"
Synth. Met. 133 PII S0379-6779(02)00433-2 2003
| 10.1016/S0379-6779(02)00433-2
Borrás-Almenar, JJ; Coronado, E; Clemente-Juan, JM; Palii, AV; Tsukerblat, BS
Problem of the magnetic anisotropy in orbitally degenerate exchange and mixed-valence clusters"
Polyhedron 22 2003
| 10.1016/S0277-5387(03)00208-0
Clemente-Juan, JM; Coronado, E; Gaita-Ariño, A
Magnetic polyoxometalates"
98 2003
Clemente-León, M; Coronado, E; Forment-Aliaga, A; Amorós, P; RamÃrez-Castellanos, J; González-Calbet, JM
Incorporation of Mn12 single molecule magnets into mesoporous silica"
J. Mater. Chem. 13 2003
| 10.1039/b310408g
Clemente-León, M; Coronado, E; Forment-Aliaga, A; MartÃnez-Agudo, JM; Amorós, P
Mn12 single-molecule magnets incorporated into mesoporous MCM-41 silica"
Polyhedron 22 2003
| 10.1016/S0277-5387(03)00227-4
Clemente-León, M; Coronado, E; Forment-Aliaga, A; Romero, FM
Organized assemblies of magnetic clusters"
C. R. Chim. 6 2003
| 10.1016/S1631-0748(03)00121-8
Clemente-León, M; Coronado, E; Giménez-Saiz, C; Gómez-GarcÃa, CJ
Hybrid materials based on polyoxometalates with solid state properties"
98 2003
Coronado, E; Forment-Aliaga, A; Galán-Mascarós, JR; Giménez-Saiz, C; Gómez-GarcÃa, CJ; Martinéz-Ferrero, E; Nuez, A; Romero, FM
Multifunctional molecular materials"
Solid State Sci. 5 2003
| 10.1016/S1293-2558(03)00116-X
Coronado, E; Forment-Aliaga, A; Gaviña, P; Romero, FM
Copper(I) pseudorotaxane monolayers assembled on gold electrodes"
Inorg. Chem. 42 2003
| 10.1021/ic034797h
Coronado, E; Galán-Mascarós, JR; Giménez-Saiz, C; Gómez-GarcÃa, CJ; MartÃnez-Agudo, JM; MartÃnez-Ferrero, E
Magnetic properties of hybrid molecular materials based on oxalato complexes"
Polyhedron 22 2003
| 10.1016/S0277-5387(03)00191-8
Coronado, E; Galán-Mascarós, JR; Giménez-Saiz, C; Gómez-GarcÃa, CJ; Ruiz-Pérez, C
Hybrid organic/inorganic molecular materials formed by tetrathiafulvalene radicals and magnetic trimeric clusters of dimetallic oxalate-bridged complexes:: The series (TTF)4{MII(H2O)2[MIII(ox)3]2}•nH2O (MII = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu and Zn; MIII = Cr and Fe; ox = C2O42-)"
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2003
| 10.1002/ejic.200200589
Coronado, E; Giménez, MC; Gómez-GarcÃa, CJ; Romero, FM
Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties of [Cr2CU2(bpy)4(ox)5]•2H2O.: An oxalato-bridged heterometallic tetramer"
Polyhedron 22 2003
| 10.1016/S0277-5387(03)00462-5
Coronado, E; Giménez-López, MC; Gimenez-Saiz, C; MartÃnez-Agudo, JM; Romero, FM
Synthesis, structure and magnetic properties of iron (II), cobalt (II) and nickel (II) complexes of 2,6-bis(pyrazol-3-yl)pyridine and paramagnetic counterions"
Polyhedron 22 2003
| 10.1016/S0277-5387(03)00242-0
Coronado, E; Giménez-Saiz, C; MartÃnez-Agudo, JM; Nuez, A; Romero, FM; Stoeckli-Evans, H
Design of chiral magnets:: cyanide-bridged bimetallic assemblies based on cyclohexane-1,2-diamine"
Polyhedron 22 2003
| 10.1016/S0277-5387(03)00192-X
Coronado, E; Giménez-Saiz, C; Nicolas, M; Romero, FM; Rusanov, E; Stoeckli-Evans, H
Synthesis, crystal structures and electronic properties of imidazoline nitroxide radicals bearing active groups in electropolymerisation"
New J. Chem. 27 2003
| 10.1039/b208762f
Coronado, E; Giménez-Saiz, C; Nuez, A; Sánchez, V; Romero, FM
Stoichiometric control of the magnetic properties in copper(II) cyano-bridged bimetallic complexes"
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2003
| 10.1002/ejic.200300641
Coronado, E; Klokishner, S; Reu, O; Tsukerblat, B
A pseudo-Jahn-Teller model of the photochromic effect in sodium nitroprusside"
Polyhedron 22 2003
| 10.1016/S0277-5387(03)00172-4
Coronado, E; Klokishner, S; Reu, O; Tsukerblat, B
Pseudo-Jahn-Teller origin of the metastable states in sodium nitroprusside"
44 2003
| 10.1016/S0065-3276(03)44028-8
Coronado, E; Palacio, F; Veciana, J
Molecule-Based Magnetic Materials"
Angew. Chem.-Int. Edit. 42 2003
| 10.1002/anie.200390487
Faulmann, C; Rivière, E; Dorbes, S; Senocq, F; Coronado, E; Cassoux, P
Ferromagnetism in [Mn(Cp*)2]+-derived complexes:: the miraculous stacking in [Mn(Cp*)2][Ni(dmit)2]"
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2003
| 10.1002/ejic.200300087
Forment-Aliaga, A; Coronado, E; Feliz, M; Gaita-Ariño, A; Llusar, R; Romero, FM
Cationic Mn12 single-molecule magnets and their polyoxometalate hybrid salts"
Inorg. Chem. 42 2003
| 10.1021/ic034407r
Jaglicic, Z; Jeromen, A; Trontelj, Z; Mihailovic, D; Arcon, D; Remskar, M; Mrzel, A; Dominko, R; Gaberscek, M; Martinez-Agudo, JM; Gómez-Garcia, CJ; Coronado, E
Magnetic properties of MoS2 nanotubes doped with lithium"
Polyhedron 22 2003
| 10.1016/S0277-5387(03)00181-5
Klehe, AK; Lauhkin, V; Goddard, PA; Symington, JA; Aghassi, J; Singleton, J; Coronado, E; Galán-Mascarós, JR; Gómez-GarcÃa, CJ; Gimenez-Saiz, C
Magnetoresistance studies of the ferromagnetic molecular metal (BEDT-TTF)3[MnCr(C2O4)3] under pressure"
Synth. Met. 133 PII S0379-6779(02)00342-9 2003
| 10.1016/S0379-6779(02)00342-9
Mihailovic, D; Jaglicic, Z; Arcon, D; Mrzel, A; Zorko, A; Remskar, M; Kabanov, VV; Dominko, R; Gaberscek, M; Gómez-GarcÃa, CJ; MartÃnez-Agudo, JM; Coronado, E
Unusual magnetic state in lithium-doped MoS2 nanotubes -: art. no. 146401"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 146401 2003
| 10.1103/PhysRevLett.90.146401
Palii, AV; Tsukerblat, BS; Coronado, E; Clemente-Juan, JM; Borrás-Almenar, JJ
Orbitally dependent kinetic exchange in cobalt(II) pairs:: origin of the magnetic anisotropy"
Polyhedron 22 2003
| 10.1016/S0277-5387(03)00207-9
Palii, AV; Tsukerblat, BS; Coronado, E; Clemente-Juan, JM; Borrás-Almenar, JJ
Microscopic approach to the pseudo-spin-1/2 Hamiltonian for Kramers doublets in exchange coupled Co(II) pairs"
Inorg. Chem. 42 2003
| 10.1021/ic0259686
Palii, AV; Tsukerblat, BS; Coronado, E; Clemente-Juan, JM; Borrás-Almenar, JJ
Orbitally dependent magnetic coupling between cobalt(II) ions:: The problem of the magnetic anisotropy"
J. Chem. Phys. 118 2003
| 10.1063/1.1555122
Suaud, N; Gaita-Ariño, A; Clemente-Juan, JM; Sánchez-MarÃn, J; Coronado, E
Ab initio calculations of the transfer parameters and coulombic repulsion and estimation of their effects on the electron delocalization and magnetic coupling in mixed-valence Keggin polyoxotungstates"
Polyhedron 22 2003
| 10.1016/S0277-5387(03)00307-3
Total: 30