With over 580 publications amassing 34.392 citations and an H-index of 91, his career has always been characterized by a high interdisciplinarity and impact in chemistry, physics and materials science. Coronado has been at the forefront of Molecular Magnetism during the last 25 years making seminal contributions in the chemical design, physical characterization and theoretical modelling of molecular nanomagnets and multifunctional materials. He leads two ERC AdG in Molecular Spintronics and 2D materials. His relevance goes well beyond Molecular Magnetism and is also strongly appreciated in the areas of Polyoxometalate Chemistry, Molecular Conductors and Superconductors, Molecular Electronics and, more recently, Molecular Spintronics, Quantum Computing (Magnetic Molecules as qubits) and 2D materials.
Eugenio Coronado is the Director of the Molecular Science Institute (ICMol) at the University of Valencia and of the European Institute of Molecular Magnetism (EIMM).
Research interests
Chemistry of Molecular Materials
- Polyoxometalate chemistry.
- Inorganic magnetic clusters.
- Inorganic molecule-based magnets.
- New molecular conductors.
- Hybrid organic-inorganic molecular materials combining magnetism with conducting or optical properties.
- Organized magnetic films.
- Electroactive conducting polymers.
Physical characterization of Molecular Material
- Magneto-structural properties (ac and dc susceptibilities, magnetization, ESR, Inelastic Neutron Scattering, single-crystal X-ray diffraction).
- Transport properties (single-crystal electrical conductivities, magnetoresistance).
Models in Molecular Magnetism
- Exchange interactions in large magnetic clusters and low dimensional magnets.
- Energy levels and magnetic properties.
- Exchange interactions between orbitally degenerate centers.
- Double exchange and electron delocalization in Mixed Valence systems.
Abellán, G; Carrasco, JA; Coronado, E
Room Temperature Magnetism in Layered Double Hydroxides due to Magnetic Nanoparticles"
Inorg. Chem. 52 2013
| 10.1021/ic400883k
Abellán, G; Coronado, E; Gómez-GarcÃa, CJ; MartÃ-Gastaldo, C; Ribera, A
Intercalation of cobalt(II)-tetraphenylporphine tetrasulfonate complex in magnetic NiFe-layered double hydroxide"
Polyhedron 52 2013
| 10.1016/j.poly.2012.09.045
Abellán, G; Coronado, E; MartÃ-Gastaldo, C; Ribera, A; Otero, TF
Magnetic Nanocomposites Formed by FeNi3 Nanoparticles Embedded in Graphene. Application as Supercapacitors"
Part. Part. Syst. Charact. 30 2013
| 10.1002/ppsc.201300186
Abellán, G; Coronado, E; MartÃ-Gastaldo, C; Waerenborgh, J; Ribera, A
Interplay between Chemical Composition and Cation Ordering in the Magnetism of Ni/Fe Layered Double Hydroxides"
Inorg. Chem. 52 2013
| 10.1021/ic401576q
Amjad, A; Espallargas, GM; Liu, J; Clemente-Juan, JM; Coronado, E; Hill, S; del Barco, E
Single-crystal EPR spectroscopy of a Co(II) single-chain magnet"
Polyhedron 66 2013
| 10.1016/j.poly.2013.04.044
Atzori, M; Benmansour, S; Espallargas, GM; Clemente-León, M; Abhervé, A; Gómez-Claramunt, P; Coronado, E; Artizzu, F; Sessini, E; Deplano, P; Serpe, A; Mercuri, ML; GarcÃa, CJG
A Family of Layered Chiral Porous Magnets Exhibiting Tunable Ordering Temperatures"
Inorg. Chem. 52 2013
| 10.1021/ic4013284
BaldovÃ, JJ; Cardona-Serra, S; Clemente-Juan, JM; Coronado, E; Gaita-Ariño, A
Modeling the properties of uranium-based single ion magnets"
Chem. Sci. 4 2013
| 10.1039/c2sc21490c
BaldovÃ, JJ; Cardona-Serra, S; Clemente-Juan, JM; Coronado, E; Gaita-Ariño, A; Palii, A
SIMPRE: A software package to calculate crystal field parameters, energy levels, and magnetic properties on mononuclear lanthanoid complexes based on charge distributions"
J. Comput. Chem. 34 2013
| 10.1002/jcc.23341
BaldovÃ, JJ; Cardona-Serra, S; Clemente-Juan, JM; Coronado, E; Gaita-Ariño, A; Prima-GarcÃa, H
Coherent manipulation of spin qubits based on polyoxometalates: the case of the single ion magnet [GdW30P5O110]14-"
Chem. Commun. 49 2013
| 10.1039/c3cc44838j
BaldovÃ, JJ; Clemente-Juan, JM; Coronado, E; Gaita-Ariño, A
Two pyrazolylborate dysprosium(III) and neodymium(III) single ion magnets modeled by a Radial Effective Charge approach"
Polyhedron 66 2013
| 10.1016/j.poly.2013.01.034
Ben Djamâa, A; Clemente-León, M; Coronado, E; López-Jordà , M
Insertion of FeII complexes with Schiff base ligands derived from imidazole or pyridine into 3D bimetallic oxalate-based ferromagnets"
Polyhedron 64 2013
| 10.1016/j.poly.2013.03.015
Bosch-Navarro, C; Busolo, F; Coronado, E; Duan, Y; MartÃ-Gastaldo, C; Prima-Garcia, H
Influence of the covalent grafting of organic radicals to graphene on its magnetoresistance"
J. Mater. Chem. C 1 2013
| 10.1039/c3tc30799a
Bosch-Navarro, C; Coronado, E; MartÃ-Gastaldo, C
Controllable coverage of chemically modified graphene sheets with gold nanoparticles by thermal treatment of graphite oxide with N,N-dimethylformamide"
Carbon 54 2013
| 10.1016/j.carbon.2012.11.027
Cardona-Serra, S; Clemente-Juan, JM; Coronado, E; MartÃ-Gastaldo, C; Navarro-Moratalla, E
The Use of Polyoxometalates in the Design of Layer-Like Hybrid Salts Containing Cationic Mn4 Single-Molecule Magnets"
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2013
| 10.1002/ejic.201201390
Cardona-Serra, S; Clemente-Juan, JM; Gaita-Ariño, A; Suaud, N; Svoboda, O; Coronado, E
Modelling electric field control of the spin state in the mixed-valence polyoxometalate [GeV14O40]8-"
Chem. Commun. 49 2013
| 10.1039/c3cc44859b
Castellanos-Gomez, A; Navarro-Moratalla, E; Mokry, G; Quereda, J; Pinilla-Cienfuegos, E; Agraït, N; van der Zant, HSJ; Coronado, E; Steele, GA; Rubio-Bollinger, G
Fast and reliable identification of atomically thin layers of TaSe2 crystals"
Nano Res. 6 2013
| 10.1007/s12274-013-0295-9
Clemente-Juan, JM; Gaita-Ariño, A; Borrás-Almenar, JJ; Coronado, E; Palii, A; Tsukerblat, B
Electronic and Vibronic Problems of Nanosized Mixed Valence Clusters: Advances and Challenges"
428 12037 2013
| 10.1088/1742-6596/428/1/012037
Clemente-León, M; Coronado, E; López-Jordà , M
2D Bimetallic Oxalate-Based Ferromagnets with Inserted [Fe(4-Br-sal2-trien)]+ and [Fe(3-R-sal2-trien)]+ (R = Br, Cl and CH3O) FeIII Spin-Crossover Complexes"
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2013
| 10.1002/ejic.201201113
Clemente-León, M; Coronado, E; López-Jordà , M
2D and 3D bimetallic oxalate-based ferromagnets prepared by insertion of MnIII-salen type complexes"
Dalton Trans. 42 2013
| 10.1039/c3dt32996h
Clemente-León, M; Coronado, E; López-Jordà , M; Waerenborgh, JC; Desplanches, C; Wang, HF; Létard, JF; Hauser, A; Tissot, A
Stimuli Responsive Hybrid Magnets: Tuning the Photoinduced Spin-Crossover in Fe(III) Complexes Inserted into Layered Magnets"
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 135 2013
| 10.1021/ja402674x
Coronado, E; Espallargas, GM
Dynamic magnetic MOFs"
Chem. Soc. Rev. 42 2013
| 10.1039/c2cs35278h
Coronado, E; Fitta, M; Prieto-Ruiz, JP; Prima-GarcÃa, H; Romero, FM; Cros, A
MOKE magnetometry as a probe of surface magnetic impurities in electropolymerized magnetic thin films of the Prussian blue analogue Fe3[Cr(CN)6]2•15 H2O"
J. Mater. Chem. C 1 2013
| 10.1039/c3tc31316f
Coronado, E; Forment-Aliaga, A; Navarro-Moratalla, E; Pinilla-Cienfuegos, E; Castellanos-Gomez, A
Nanofabrication of TaS2 conducting layers nanopatterned with Ta2O5 insulating regions via AFM"
J. Mater. Chem. C 1 2013
| 10.1039/c3tc31041h
Coronado, E; Giménez-Marqués, M; Espallargas, GM; Rey, F; Vitórica-Yrezábal, IJ
Spin-Crossover Modification through Selective CO2 Sorption"
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 135 2013
| 10.1021/ja407135k
Coronado, E; Giménez-Marqués, M; MartÃ-Gastaldo, C; Espallargas, GM; Navarro-Moratalla, E; Waerenborgh, JC
Hybrid Magnetic Superconductors Formed by TaS2 Layers and Spin Crossover Complexes"
Inorg. Chem. 52 2013
| 10.1021/ic400320g
Coronado, E; MartÃ-Gastaldo, C; Navarro-Moratalla, E; Ribera, A; Tatay, S
Illustrating the Processability of Magnetic Layered Double Hydroxides: Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Magnetic Ultrathin Films"
Inorg. Chem. 52 2013
| 10.1021/ic400734t
Coronado, E; Prieto-Ruiz, JP; Prima-Garcia, H
Spin polarization in electrodeposited thin films of the molecule-based magnetic semiconductor Cr5.5(CN)12•11.5H2O"
Chem. Commun. 49 2013
| 10.1039/c3cc45036h
Galvis, JA; Rodière, P; Guillamon, I; Osorio, MR; Rodrigo, JG; Cario, L; Navarro-Moratalla, E; Coronado, E; Vieira, S; Suderow, H
Scanning tunneling measurements of layers of superconducting 2H-TaSe2: Evidence for a zero-bias anomaly in single layers"
Phys. Rev. B 87 94502 2013
| 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.094502
Ganivet, CR; Ballesteros, B; de la Torre, G; Clemente-Juan, JM; Coronado, E; Torres, T
Influence of Peripheral Substitution on the Magnetic Behavior of Single-Ion Magnets Based on Homo- and Heteroleptic TbIII Bis(phthalocyaninate)"
Chem.-Eur. J. 19 2013
| 10.1002/chem.201202600
Ostrovsky, SM; Reu, OS; Palii, AV; Clemente-León, M; Coronado, E; Waerenborgh, JC; Klokishner, SI
Modeling the Magnetic Properties and Mossbauer Spectra of Multifunctional Magnetic Materials Obtained by Insertion of a Spin-Crossover Fe(III) Complex into Bimetallic Oxalate-Based Ferromagnets"
Inorg. Chem. 52 2013
| 10.1021/ic401997w
Palii, A; Bosch-Serrano, C; Clemente-Juan, JM; Coronado, E; Tsukerblat, B
Dissipative electron transfer dynamics in mixed valence dimers: Microscopic approach to the solid state problem"
J. Chem. Phys. 139 44304 2013
| 10.1063/1.4813855
Zheng, T; Clemente-Juan, JM; Ma, J; Dong, L; Bao, SS; Huang, J; Coronado, E; Zheng, LM
Breathing Effect in a Cobalt Phosphonate upon Dehydration/Rehydration: A Single-Crystal-to-Single-Crystal Study"
Chem.-Eur. J. 19 2013
| 10.1002/chem.201302514
Total: 32