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La revolución del grafeno todavía está en construcción
Las singulares propiedades del grafeno asombraron a la comunidad científica e hicieron soñar con una amplia variedad de aplicaciones, pero casi dos décadas después de su descubrimiento, todavía quedan años de espera para que este material explote al máximo su potencial y colonice todos los mercados en los que puede ser útil. Aislado por primera vez en 2004 por dos investigadores de la Universidad de Manchester, desde entonces se han esperado de él grandes cosas. Compuesto por carbono puro, cuyos átomos se encuentran organizados en un patrón hexagonal regular, destaca por ser ligero, flexible, un millón de veces más fino que un cabello humano y 200 veces más resistente que el acero... seguir leyendo
Queremos acercar la ciencia a cada rincón de la Comunitat Valenciana
El plan estrella del Consell para atraer, generar y retener el talento científico en la Comunitat Valenciana, el GenT, cumple tres años con un centenar de investigadoras e investigadores contratados, de los cuales ya hay 83 realizando proyectos en las universidades y los institutos de investigación valencianos. El Consell ha conmemorado este aniversario hoy, en el acto “Gent-T: tres años trayendo talento” en el que, entre otras cosas, los investigadores que forman parte del programa han presentado Accent, l’Associació de Científiques i Científics d’Excel·lència del Pla GenT y han reclamado algunas mejoras. Thank you for watching Como ha explicado Gonzalo Abellán, presidente de Accent e investigador del Instituto de Ciencia Molecular (ICMol) de la Universitat de València, el objetivo de... seguir leyendo
Our PhD student Marta Alcaraz Megias has been highlighted in the ISGS symposium for her contribution focused on antimonene, awarded with the 2nd ePoster Prize. Find out more here
Through a great international team collaboration leaded by Dr. Gonzalo Abellan, Dr. M. Eugenia Pérez-Ojeda, Prof Andreas Hirsch and prof. Luis Echegoyen, our team published on the Journal of the American Chemical Society a very innovative study about carbon nano-onions intercalation with potassium. The article was awarded with the front cover of the current edition of JACS
You can find the article here
María Simón (Granada, Spain), join the 2D chem as the first industrial PhD student of the research group. She graduated in Mining and Energy Resources Engineering with a Master in Efficiency and Sustainability and a Master in Fine Chemistry from the University of Córdoba. María works at the R&D department of Graphenano company. She will combine her experience in lithium battery scale-up with the group's experience in nanomaterials for the development of novel efficient energy storage systems.
Pau Congost i Escoin (Castelló, Spain), graduated in Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences with a master’s degree in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology from the Universitat de València (UV) joins the 2D-Chem team as a new PhD student. He will combine his expertise in molecular and cell biology and his experience working on 2D materials for biomedical applications towards a better understanding of how 2D pnictogens interact with living organisms.
Youssra Diouane (Marrakech, Morocco), obtained her master’s degree in Multifunctional materials and new technology for energy at the University of Tours. She joins the 2D Chem group to work on the synthesis of materials for energy storage. Her experience on electrode for solid fuel cells will be combined with the expertise of the group on nanomaterials to investigate innovative compounds for solid state batteries.
Matteo Andrea Lucherelli (Prato, Italy) obtained in 2015 his master’s degree in organic chemistry at the University of Florence and in 2019 his PhD degree in Chemistry at the university of Strasbourg, with a thesis on drug delivery carrier based on graphene and biological effects of 2D materials. After one year postdoc experience in bio-based polymers at the University of Strasbourg he joins the 2D-Chem group to work on the production and functionalization of 2D pnictogens for energy and biomedical applications, combining his knowledge about nanomedicine, nanomaterials, and organic chemistry.