Chemistry and Interface Control of Novel 2DPnictogen Nanomaterials


Jose A. Carrasco, Víctor Oestreicher, Alvaro Seijas-Da Silva, Gonzalo Abellán
"Magnetism in two-dimensional layered double hydroxides"
Applied Clay Science, 2023, 243, DOI: 10.1016/j.clay.2023.107073

Camilo Jaramillo-Hernández, Víctor Oestreicher, Martín Mizrahi, Gonzalo Abellán
"Upscaling the urea method synthesis of CoAl layered double hydroxides"
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 927?938 DOI: 10.3762/bjnano.14.76

Christian Dolle, Víctor Oestreicher, Alberto M. Ruiz, Malte Kohring, Francisco Garnes-Portolés, Mingjian Wu, Gabriel Sánchez-Santolino, Alvaro Seijas-Da Silva, Marta Alcaraz, Yolita M. Eggeler, Erdmann Spiecker, Josep Canet-Ferrer, Antonio Leyva-Pérez, Heiko B. Weber, María Varela, José J. Baldoví, and Gonzalo Abellán*
"Hexagonal Hybrid Bismuthene by Molecular Interface Engineering"
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 23, 12487?12498, DOI: 10.1021/jacs.2c13036

Sanchis-Gual, R., Hunt, D., Jaramillo, C., Seijas-Da Silva, A., Mizrahi, M., Marini, C., Oestreicher, V., Abellán, G.
"Influence of crystallographic structure and metal vacancies on the oxygen evolution reaction performance of Ni-based layered hydroxides"
Chem. Rxiv 2023, DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-r5zqx

Matteo Andrea Lucherelli, Víctor Oestreicher, Marta Alcaraz, Gonzalo Abellán
"Chemistry of two-dimensional pnictogens: emerging post-graphene materials for advanced applications"
Chem. Commun., 2023, 59, 6453-6474. DOI: 10.1039/d2cc06337a

Carrasco, J.A., Congost-Escoin, P., Assebban, M, Abellán, G.
"Antimonene: a tuneable post-graphene material for advanced applications in optoelectronics, catalysis, energy and biomedicine."
Chem. Soc. Rev., 2023,52, 1288-1330, DOI: 10.1039/D2CS00570K

Seijas-Da Silva, A., Carrasco, J.A., Vieira, B. JC., Bentes Waerenborgh, J.C., Coronado, E., Abellán, G.
"Two-dimensional magnetic behavior in hybrid NiFe-layered double hydroxides by molecular engineering"
Dalton Transactions 2023, DOI: 10.1039/D2DT03804H

Sanchis-Gual, R., Hunt, D., Jaramillo, C., Seijas-Da Silva, A., Mizrahi, M., Marini, C., Oestreicher, V., Abellán, G.
"Crystallographic and geometrical dependence of water oxidation activity in Co-based layered hydroxides"
Chem. Rxiv 2022, DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2022-rcq28

Oestreicher, V., Dolle, C., Hunt, D., Fickert, M., Abellán, G.
"Room temperature synthesis of two-dimensional multilayer magnets based on ?-CoII layered hydroxides"
Nano Materials Science 2022, 4 (1), 36-43

Dolle, C., Schweizer, P., Dasler, D., Gsänger, S., Maidl, R., Abellán, G., Hauke, F., Meyer, B., Hirsch, A., Spiecker, E.
"Atomically resolved TEM imaging of covalently functionalised Graphene"
npj 2D Materials and Applications 2022, 6, 29

Seijas-Da Silva, A., Oestreicher, V., Coronado, E., Abellán, G.
"Influence of Fe-clustering on the water oxidation performance of two-dimensional layered double hydroxides."
Dalton Transactions 2022, 51 (12), 4675-4684
Pérez-Prieto, J.; Cevallos-Toledo, R.B.; Rosa-Pardo, I.; Arenal, R.; Oestreicher, V.; Fickert, M.; Abellán, G.; Galian, R.E.
“Ruddlesden-Popper hybrid lead bromide perovskite nanosheets of phase pure n = 2: stabilized colloids stored in the solid state”
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2021, 60 (52), 27312-27317

Pérez-Ojeda, M. U.; Castro, E.; Kröckel, C.; Lucherelli, M.A.; Ludacka, U.; Kotakoski, J.; Werbach, K.; Peterlik, H.; Melle-Franco, M.; Chacón-Torres, J. C.; Hauke, F.; Echegoyen, L.; Hirsch, A.; Abellán, G.
“Carbon Nano-onions: Potassium Intercalation and Reductive Covalent Functionalization”
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2021, 143 (45), 18997-19007

Mitrovi?, A.; Abellán, G.; Hirsch, A.
“Covalent and non-covalent chemistry of 2D black phosphorus”
RSC Adv, 2021, 11 (42), 26093-26101

Sanchis-Gual, R.; Seijas-Da Silva, A.; Coronado-Puchau, M.; Otero, T.F.; Abellán, G.; Coronado, E.
"Improving the onset potential and Tafel slope determination of earth-abundant water oxidation electrocatalysts"
Electrochimica Acta, 2021, 388, 138613

Greco, R.; Lloret, V.; Rivero-Crespo, M.A.; Hirsch, A.; Doménech-Carbó, A.; Abellán, G.; Leyva-Pérez, A.
"Acid Catalysis with Alkane/Water Microdroplets in Ionic Liquids"
JACS Au, 2021

Torres, I.; Alcaraz, M.; Sanchis Gual, R.; Carrasco, J.A.; Fickert, M.; Assebban, M.; Gibaja, C.; Dolle, C.; Aldave, D.A.; Gómez Navarro, C.; Salagre, E.; García Michel, E.; Varela, M.; Gómez Herrero, J.; Abellán, G.; Zamora, F.
"Continuous Flow Synthesis of High Quality Few Layer Antimonene Hexagons"
Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 2101616

Werbach, K.; Neiss, C.; Müllner, A.; Abellán, G.; Setman, D.; Lloret, V.; Wild, S.; Hauke, F.; Pitcher, T.; Hirsch, A.; Peterlik, H.
"Controlling the formation of sodium/black phosphorus intercalated compounds towards high sodium content"
Batteries & Supercaps, 2021

Mitrovic, A; Wild, S.; Lloret, V.; Fickert, M.; Asseban, M.; Márkus, B. G.; Simon, F.; Hauke, F.; Abellán, G.; Hirsch, A.
"Interface amorphization of two-dimensional black phosphorus upon the treatment with diazonium salts"
Chemistry - A European Journal, 2021, 27 (10), 3361-3366

Oestreicher, V.; Hunt, D.; Dolle, C.; Borovik, P.; Jobbágy, M.; Abellán, G.; Coronado, E.
"The Missing Link in the Magnetism of Hybrid Cobalt Layered Hydroxides: The Odd-Even Effect of the Organic Spacer
Chemistry - A European Journal, 2021, 27 (3), 921-927.

Gibaja, C.; Rodríguez-San-Miguel, D.; Paz, W.S.; Torres, I.; Salagre, E.; Segovia, P.; Michel, E. G.; Assebban, M.; Ares, P.; Hernández-Maldonado, D.; Ramasse, Q.; Abellán, G.; Gómez-Herrero, J.; Varela, M; Palacios, J. J.;
"Exfoliation of Alpha-Germanium: A Covalent Diamond-Like Structure"
Advanced Materials, 2021, 33 (10), 2006926.

Fickert, M.; Asseban, M.; Canet-Ferrer, J.; Abellán, G.
"Phonon properties and photo-thermal oxidation of micromechanically exfoliated antimonene nanosheets
2D Materials, 2021, 8 (1), 015018.

Oestreicher, V.; Dolle, C.; Hunt, D.; Fickert, M.; Abellán, G.
"Room temperature synthesis of two-dimensional multilayer magnets based on á-CoII layered hydroxides"
Nano Materials Science, 2020 Lloret, V.; Nuin, E.; Kohring, M.; Wild, S.; Löffler, M.; Neiss, C.; Krieger, M.; Hauke, F.; Görling, A.; Weber, H.; Abellán, G.; Hirsch, A.
"Noncovalent Functionalization and Passivation of Black Phosphorus with Optimized Perylene Diimides for Hybrid Field Effect Transistors"
Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2020, 7 (23), 2001290.

Oestreicher, V.; Abellán, G.; Coronado, E.
"The Role of Covalent Functionalization in the Thermal Stability and Decomposition of Hybrid Layered Hydroxides Physica Status Solidi"
RRL, 2020, 14 (12), 2000380.

Wild, S.; Thong Dinh, X.; Maid, H.; Hauke, F.; Abellán, G.; Hirsch, A.
"Quantifying the Covalent Functionalization of Black Phosphorus"
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2020, 59 (45), 20230-20234

Wild, S.; Thong Dinh, X.; Maid, H.; Hauke, F.; Abellán, G.; Hirsch, A.
"Quantifizierung der kovalenten Funktionalisierung von schwarzem Phosphor"
Angewandte Chemie, 2020, 132 (45), 20406-20411

Schweizer, P.; Dolle, C.; Dasler, D.; Abellán, G.; Hauke, F.; Hirsch, A.; Spiecker, E.
"Mechanical cleaning of graphene using in situ electron microscopy"
Nature communications, 2020, 11 (1), 1743

Wolff, S.; Gillen, R.; Assebban, M.; Abellán, G.; Maultzsch, J.
"Two-dimensional antimony oxide"
Physical Review Letters, 2020, 124 (12), 126101

Romero, J.; Varela, M.; Assebban, M.; Oestreicher, V.; Guedeja-Marrón, A.; Jordá, J.L.; Abellán, G.; Coronado, E.
"Insights into the formation of metal carbon nanocomposites for energy storage using hybrid NiFe layered double hydroxides as precursors"
Chemical Science, 2020, 11 (29), 7626-7633.

Assebban, M.; Gibaja, C.; Fickert, M.; Torres, I.; Weinreich, E.; Wolff, S.; Gillen, R.; Maultzsch, J.; Varela, M.; Rong, S. T. J.; Loh, K. P.; Michel, E. G.; Zamora, F.; Abellán, G.
"Unveiling the oxidation behavior of liquid-phase exfoliated antimony nanosheets"
2D Materials, 2020, 7 (2), 025039.

Carrasco, J.A.; Seijas-Da Silva, A.; Oestreicher, V.; Romero, J.; Márkus, B. G.; Simon, F.; Vieira, B. J. C., Waerenborgh, J. C.; Abellán, G.; Coronado, E.
"Fundamental Insights into the Covalent Silane Functionalization of NiFe-Layered Double Hydroxides"
Chemistry - A European Journal, 2020, 26 (29), 6504-6517

Seijas-Da Silva, A.; Sanchis-Gual, R.; Carrasco, J. A.; Oestreicher, V.; Abellán, G.; Coronado, E.
"Boosting the supercapacitive behavior of CoAl-layered double hydroxides via tuning the metal composition and interlayer space"
Batteries & Supercaps, 2020, 3 (6), 499-509.

Tejeda-Serrano, M.; Lloret, V.; Márkus, B. G.; Simon, F.; Hauke, F.; Hirsch, A.; Doménech Carbó, A.; Abellán, G.; Leyva Pérez A.
"Few Layer Black Phosphorous Catalyses Radical Additions to Alkenes Faster than Low Valence Metals"
ChemCatChem, 2020, 12 (8), 2226-2232.

Abellán, G.; Carrasco, J.A.; Coronado, E.
"Layered double hydroxide nanocomposites based on carbon nanoforms. In Layered Double Hydroxide Polymer Nanocomposites
Elsevier, 2020, pp 411-460.

Gibaja, C.; Asseban, M.; Torres, I.; Fickert, M.; Sanchis-Gual, R.; Brotons, I.; Paz, W. S.; Palacios, J. J.; Michel, E. G.; Abellán, G.; Zamora, F.
"Liquid phase exfoliation of antimonene: systematic optimization, characterization and electrocatalytic properties"
J. Mater. Chem. A., 2019, 7 (39), 22475-22486.

Lucherelli, M. A.; Raya, J.; Edelthalhammer, K. F.; Hauke, F.; Hirsch, A.; Abellán, G.; Bianco, A.
"A Straightforward Approach to Multifunctional Graphene"
Chem. Eur. J., 2019, 25 (57), 13218-13223.

Carrasco, J. A.; Sanchis-Gual, R.; Seijas- Da Silva, A.; Abellán, G.; Coronado, E.
"Influence of the Interlayer Space on the Water Oxidation Performance in a Family of Surfactant-Intercalated NiFe-Layered Double Hydroxides"
Chem. Mater., 2019, 31 (17), 6798-6807

Oestreicher, V.; Hunto, D.; Torres-Cavanillas, R.; Abellán, G.; Scherlis, D. A.; Jobbágy, M.
"Halide-Mediated Modification of Magnetism and Electronic Structure of a-Co(II) Hydroxides: Synthesis, Characterization, and DFT+U Simulations"
Inorg. Chem., 2019, 58 (14), 9414-9424.

López-Cabrelles, J.; Romero, J.; Abellán, G.; Giménez-Marqués, M.; Palomino, M.; Valencia, S.; Rey, F.; Mínguez-Espallargas, G.
"Solvent-Free Synthesis of ZIFs: A Route toward the Elusive Fe(II) Analogue of ZIF-8"
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2019, 141 (17), 7173-7180.

Ramírez Quiroz, C. O.; Spyropoulos, G. D.; Salvador, M.; Roch, L. M.; Berlinghof, M.; Darío Perea, J.; Forberich, K.; Dion-Bertrand, L.-I.; Schrenker, N. J.; Classen, A.; Gasparini, N.; Chistiakova, G.; Mews, M.; Korte, L.; Rech, B.; Li, N.; Hauke, F.; Spiecker, E.; Ameri, T.; Albrecht, S.; Abellán, G.; León, S.; Unruh, T.; Hirsch, A.; Aspuru-Guzik, A.; Brabec, C. J.
"Interface Molecular Engineering for Laminated Monolithic Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells with 80.4% Fill Factor"
Adv. Funct. Mater., 2019, 29 (40), 1901476.

Romero, J.; Prima-Garcia, H.; Varela, M.; Miralles, S. G.; Oestreicher, V.; Abellán, G.; Coronado, E.
"Giant Enhancement in the Supercapacitance of NiFe-Graphene Nanocomposites Induced by a Magnetic Field"
Adv. Mater., 2019, 31 (28), 1900189.

Lloret, V.; Rivero-Crespo, M.Á.; Vidal-Moya, J.A.; Wild, S.; Doménech-Carbó, A.; Heller, B.S.J.; Shin, S.; Steinrück, H.-P.; Maier, F.; Hauke, F.; Varela, M.; Hirsch, A.; Leyva-Pérez, A.; Abellán, G.
"Few layer 2D pnictogens catalyze the alkylation of soft nucleophiles with esters"
Nature Communications, 2019, 10 (1), 509.

Wild, S.; Fickert, M.; Mitrovic, A.; Lloret, V.; Neiss, C.; Vidal-Moya, J.A.; Rivero-Crespo, M.Á.; Leyva-Pérez, A.; Werbach, K.; Peterlik, H.; Grabau, M.; Wittkämper, H.; Papp, C.; Steinrück, H.-P.; Pichler, T.; Görling, A.; Hauke, F.; Abellán, G.; Hirsch, A.
"Lattice Opening upon Bulk Reductive Covalent Functionalization of Black Phosphorus"
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2019, 58 (17), 5763-5768.

Carrasco, J.A.; Harvey, A.; Hanlon, D.; Lloret, V.; McAteer, D.; Sanchis-Gual, R.; Hirsch, A.; Hauke, F.; Abellán, G.; Coleman, J.N.; Coronado, E.
"Liquid phase exfoliation of carbonate-intercalated layered double hydroxides"
Chemical Communications, 2019, 55 (23), 3315-3318.

1. Wild, S.; Lloret, V.; Vega-Mayoral, V.; Vella, D.; Nuin, E.; Siebert, M.; Kolesnik-Gray, M.; Löffler, M.; Mayrhofer, K.J.J.; Gadermaier, C.; Krstic, V.; Hauke, F.; Abellán, G.; Hirsch, A.
"Monolayer black phosphorus by sequential wet-chemical surface oxidation"
RSC Advances, 2019, 9 (7), 3570-3576.