• 18th European School on
    Molecular Nanoscience
    11th Workshop on 2D Materials (W2DM2025)
    18th - 23rd May 2025 - Santa Pola (Alicante, Spain)
Important Dates
March 22nd 2025
Abstracts submission
March 31st 2025
Final registration
April 15th 2025
Registration fee payment
April 24th 2025

Molecular Nanoscience

The molecular region of Nanoscience is still a region that has been scarcely explored in Nanoscience, maybe because the larger structural and electronic complexity of molecules, compared with that found in simpler atom-based nano-objects and nanostructures, make them more difficult to study at the nanoscale with the currently available instrumental techniques. Albeit, it is in this molecular region where molecular chemists, biologists, physicists and engineers working in Nanoscience may find the best opportunities to interact and to converge. Areas like supramolecular chemistry, molecular electronics and molecular magnetism are expected to converge in this region.

The School

The 18th European School on Molecular Nanoscience (ESMolNa2025) intends to provide a suitable framework to show and extensively discuss the state-of-the-art in these multidisciplinary areas. Lectures are aimed at the post-graduate level as they will be presented to an audience primarily formed by post-graduate, PhD students and postdoctoral fellows. In fact, the School will be the last part of an intensive Advanced Course of three weeks organized in the frame of a Master in Molecular Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. This meeting also intends to be a forum where the active European scientific groups working in these areas will have the opportunity to meet and informally discuss with the younger generations.

The Workshop on 2D Materials

The 11th Workshop on 2D Materials (W2DM2025) will take place on May 22nd and 23rd 2025, having the first day a joint program with ESMolNa2025.

Graphene and other two-dimensional (2D) materials represent one of the priority areas of the European Commission, as shown by the 'Graphene flagship'. Due to the exceptional mechanical and electronic properties of graphene, research about this material has been at the forefront of this area during the last years. However, other 2D materials, like metal chalcogenides or molecular-based layers are emerging. In these materials a wide range of properties can be found, including superconductivity and magnetism. The research community exploring graphene and other 2D materials is increasing, due to the incorporation of researchers from a variety of fields like materials science, physics, chemistry and engineering. Moreover, there is a big interest in the construction of functional heterostructures and devices based on 2D materials, including their integration with graphene.

During the W2DM2025 collaboration among participant researchers will be promoted, in order to face the huge scientific challenges encountered in this field, both from an experimental and theoretical point of view.
Confirmed Invited Speakers
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