The Institute of Molecular Science (ICMol) joined the celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, a date proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 and observed every February 11th since 2016. As part of this initiative, ICMol researchers conducted educational workshops and talks in various schools across Valencia, bringing science closer to students and promoting gender equality in STEM fields.
To inspire young students and highlight the role of women in science, our team engaged with hundreds of students through interactive experiments and discussions:
CEIP Bertomeu Llorens i Royo
Researchers Sonia Martínez Giménez, Estíbaliz Gigirey Oliva, María Lucía Tamayo Fraile, Delia Bellezza, and Jesús Ferrando Soria conducted the Chameleon workshop and shared their research experiences with 60 students.
Los Olivos School
María González Béjar and Soranyel González Carrero led hands-on experiments and discussions about equal opportunities in science. According to María González Béjar:
Seeing the excitement on their faces as they conducted the experiment and hearing them say they want to become scientists is truly wonderful. Moreover, ensuring equal opportunities will only be possible if new generations are aware of past inequalities. They are always surprised to learn that women were once denied access to universities.
Picassent Town Hall
Researchers Raquel Galian and Alejandro Cortés participated in outreach activities in collaboration with the Picassent Town Hall.
Nuestra Señora de la Natividad School in Burjassot (Upcoming Workshop)
Researcher Alejandra Soriano will soon introduce students to nanotechnology and materials science through an engaging hands-on workshop.
As part of this initiative, ICMol has established a collaboration with CEIP Bertomeu Llorens i Royo, one of Valencias leading culinary schools. Together, we are organizing science and gastronomy workshops, as well as teacher training programs to bring nanotechnology into classrooms in an interactive way.
Through these activities, ICMol reaffirms its commitment to scientific outreach and STEM education, inspiring new generations and fostering equal access to education and research.