The Institute of Molecular Science of the University of Valencia is organising a conference next Tuesday (10 September) to promote innovation and investment in disruptive technologies. The event is promoted by the Alliance of Severo Ochoa Centres of Excellence and María de Maeztu Units of Excellence (SOMMa) and will be held at Caixaforum València.

The inauguration will begin at 10:30 with speeches by Rosa Donat, vice-rector of Innovation and Transfer at the University of Valencia; Eugenio Coronado, director of the Institute of Molecular Science at the University; Mª José Sanz, president of SOMMa; and Teresa Riesgo, secretary general for Innovation at the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.

The aim of the meeting is to promote collaboration between research centres and companies to build an innovative, technologically and socially advanced society. SOMMa Connect will bring together researchers, entrepreneurs, investors and corporations to foster collaboration, the exchange of ideas and the development of innovative strategies that drive growth and investment in disruptive technologies.

During the meeting, there will be an official presentation of the innovation impact of the research centres and units of the SOMMa Alliance, and round tables will be held to discuss different approaches to startup funding and collaboration between corporations and startups.

The SOMMa Alliance brings together more than 60 leading Spanish research organisations with around 12,000 researchers from different disciplines.
Its aim is to boost Spanish science by recognising existing cutting-edge research centres and helping them to increase their impact and international scientific leadership and competitiveness.



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