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Berski, S; Andrés, J; Silvi, B; Domingo, LR
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Carranza, J; Brennan, C; Sletten, J; Vangdal, B; Rillema, P; Lloret, F; Julve, M
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Casado, J; Pappenfus, TM; Mann, KR; Milián, B; Ortí, E; Viruela, PM; Delgado, MCR; Hernández, V; Navarrete, JTL
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Chiozzone, R; González, R; Kremer, C; De Munno, G; Armentano, D; Lloret, F; Julve, M; Faus, J
"Heterobimetallic oxalato-bridged MIIReIV complexes (M = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni):: Synthesis, crystal structure, and magnetic properties"
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Clemente-Juan, JM; Coronado, E; Gaita-Ariño, A
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Clemente-León, M; Coronado, E; Forment-Aliaga, A; Amorós, P; Ramírez-Castellanos, J; González-Calbet, JM
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Clemente-León, M; Coronado, E; Giménez-Saiz, C; Gómez-García, CJ
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Coronado, E; Forment-Aliaga, A; Galán-Mascarós, JR; Giménez-Saiz, C; Gómez-García, CJ; Martinéz-Ferrero, E; Nuez, A; Romero, FM
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Coronado, E; Galán-Mascarós, JR; Giménez-Saiz, C; Gómez-García, CJ; Martínez-Agudo, JM; Martínez-Ferrero, E
"Magnetic properties of hybrid molecular materials based on oxalato complexes"
Polyhedron 22 2003 | 10.1016/S0277-5387(03)00191-8
Coronado, E; Galán-Mascarós, JR; Giménez-Saiz, C; Gómez-García, CJ; Ruiz-Pérez, C
"Hybrid organic/inorganic molecular materials formed by tetrathiafulvalene radicals and magnetic trimeric clusters of dimetallic oxalate-bridged complexes:: The series (TTF)4{MII(H2O)2[MIII(ox)3]2}•nH2O (MII = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu and Zn; MIII = Cr and Fe; ox = C2O42-)"
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Coronado, E; Giménez, MC; Gómez-García, CJ; Romero, FM
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Polyhedron 22 2003 | 10.1016/S0277-5387(03)00462-5
Coronado, E; Giménez-López, MC; Gimenez-Saiz, C; Martínez-Agudo, JM; Romero, FM
"Synthesis, structure and magnetic properties of iron (II), cobalt (II) and nickel (II) complexes of 2,6-bis(pyrazol-3-yl)pyridine and paramagnetic counterions"
Polyhedron 22 2003 | 10.1016/S0277-5387(03)00242-0
Coronado, E; Giménez-Saiz, C; Martínez-Agudo, JM; Nuez, A; Romero, FM; Stoeckli-Evans, H
"Design of chiral magnets:: cyanide-bridged bimetallic assemblies based on cyclohexane-1,2-diamine"
Polyhedron 22 2003 | 10.1016/S0277-5387(03)00192-X
Coronado, E; Giménez-Saiz, C; Nicolas, M; Romero, FM; Rusanov, E; Stoeckli-Evans, H
"Synthesis, crystal structures and electronic properties of imidazoline nitroxide radicals bearing active groups in electropolymerisation"
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Coronado, E; Giménez-Saiz, C; Nuez, A; Sánchez, V; Romero, FM
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Delgado, FS; Sanchiz, J; Ruiz-Pérez, C; Lloret, F; Julve, M
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Delgado, FS; Sanchiz, J; Ruiz-Pèrez, C; Lloret, F; Julve, M
"High-dimensional malonate-based materials:: Synthesis, crystal structures and magnetic properties of [M2(mal)2(L)(H2O)2]n•n(H2O) M = Zn(II), Co(II); H2mal = malonic acid, L = pyrimidine, pyrazine"
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Domingo, LR; Aurell, MJ; Pérez, P; Contreras, R
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Domingo, LR; Pérez, P; Contreras, R
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Domingo, LR; Zaragozá, RJ; Williams, RM
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Faulmann, C; Rivière, E; Dorbes, S; Senocq, F; Coronado, E; Cassoux, P
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Forment-Aliaga, A; Coronado, E; Feliz, M; Gaita-Ariño, A; Llusar, R; Romero, FM
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Galán-Mascarós, JR; Dunbar, KR
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Gaspar, AB; Ksenofontov, V; Real, JA; Gütlich, P
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González, R; Chiozzone, R; Kremer, C; De Munno, G; Nicolò, F; Lloret, F; Julve, M; Faus, J
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Herrera, JM; Bleuzen, A; Dromzée, Y; Julve, M; Lloret, F; Verdaguer, M
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Lescouëzec, R; Vaissermann, J; Ruiz-Pérez, C; Lloret, F; Carrasco, R; Julve, M; Verdaguer, M; Dromzee, Y; Gatteschi, D; Wernsdorfer, W
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Mihailovic, D; Jaglicic, Z; Arcon, D; Mrzel, A; Zorko, A; Remskar, M; Kabanov, VV; Dominko, R; Gaberscek, M; Gómez-García, CJ; Martínez-Agudo, JM; Coronado, E
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Molnár, G; Niel, V; Real, JA; Dubrovinsky, L; Bousseksou, A; McGarvey, JJ
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Niel, V; Gaspar, AB; Muñoz, MC; Abarca, B; Ballesteros, R; Real, JA
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Niel, V; Thompson, AL; Muñoz, MC; Galet, A; Goeta, ASE; Real, JA
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Angew. Chem.-Int. Edit. 42 2003 | 10.1002/anie.200351853
Palii, AV; Tsukerblat, BS; Coronado, E; Clemente-Juan, JM; Borrás-Almenar, JJ
"Orbitally dependent kinetic exchange in cobalt(II) pairs:: origin of the magnetic anisotropy"
Polyhedron 22 2003 | 10.1016/S0277-5387(03)00207-9
Palii, AV; Tsukerblat, BS; Coronado, E; Clemente-Juan, JM; Borrás-Almenar, JJ
"Orbitally dependent magnetic coupling between cobalt(II) ions:: The problem of the magnetic anisotropy"
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Palii, AV; Tsukerblat, BS; Coronado, E; Clemente-Juan, JM; Borrás-Almenar, JJ
"Microscopic approach to the pseudo-spin-1/2 Hamiltonian for Kramers doublets in exchange coupled Co(II) pairs"
Inorg. Chem. 42 2003 | 10.1021/ic0259686
Pardo, E; Faus, J; Julve, M; Lloret, F; Muñoz, MC; Cano, J; Ottenwaelder, X; Journaux, Y; Carrasco, R; Blay, G; Fernández, I; Ruiz-García, R
"Long-range magnetic coupling through extended ?-conjugated aromatic bridges in dinuclear copper(II) metallacyclophanes"
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 125 2003 | 10.1021/ja030060f
Pasán, J; Delgado, FS; Rodríguez-Martín, Y; Hernández-Molina, M; Ruiz-Pérez, C; Sanchiz, J; Lloret, F; Julve, M
"Malonate-based copper(II) coordination compounds:: ferromagnetic coupling controlled by dicarboxylates"
Polyhedron 22 2003 | 10.1016/S0277-5387(03)00203-1
Pasán, J; Sanchiz, J; Ruiz-Pérez, C; Lloret, F; Julve, M
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