• Molecular Spintronics
    is a new field of research that combines the ideas and concepts developed in spintronics with the possibilities offered by molecules to perform
    electronic functions, to form self-organized nanostructures and to exhibit quantum effects.

    It ultimate goal is the creation of new spintronic devices using molecular materials, or in the longer term one or a few molecules in the race
    toward miniaturization.
  • To reach this goal a coordinated effort of the communities of Spintronics, Molecular Electronics and Molecular Magnetism is needed.

    These communities are developing a very competitive and high-quality work in Europe in their respective fields. Still, Molecular Spintronics is so
    new that an initiative to encourage networking of researchers in this field is of paramount importance.

    The present COST ACTION intends to fill this gap integrating these communities around a common Action that should serve to consolidate the
    world-leadership of Europe in this field.
ADocMolMag Prize - V edition

Entries are now being accepted for the fourth "European Award on Molecular Magnetism Doctoral Thesis". The awards, will be given to young talented researchers in the field of Molecular Magnetism or a closely related discipline. The jury will pay particular attention to the design of novel magnetic molecules and materials, discovery of new phenomena, the application of new technologies or techniques, and important steps that advance our understanding of molecular magnetism. The jury will be composed of four internationally renowned scientists working within the field. The final number of prizes awarded (probably three), will be communicated after the selection.

The prize will include:
a) A diploma certifying the winning of the award;
b) 500 Euro to the winner plus other 500 Euro (so a total of 1000 Euro) to support the travel expenses and the registration fee for the attendance to an international meeting related with Molecular Magnetism or having session devoted to Molecular Magnetism (such as the European Conference of Molecular Magnetism 2019, or the Spintronic conference 2018, or the ESMolNa school 2018, where, the successful candidates, will also have the opportunity to present their work, or others like ICCC, as an example).

Eligibility. Candidates are considered eligible if they have submitted a PhD thesis between the 1st April 2014 and the 31th March 2016.
Application. The application should contain (in electronic format):
1) A three-page summary of the thesis, underlining the major achievements of the thesis work;
2) A list of the publications obtained from the thesis, including publications that have appeared since the thesis was submitted, reporting also the IF of journal and number of citations of each paper;
3) A two page (maximum) CV, containing also the contact details of the applicant;
4) A maximum of One recommendation letter (not mandatory) from the supervisors of the thesis or other scientists involved in the thesis work;
5) The electronic version of the thesis and related publications in pdf format.

Applications should be sent to the following email address:


by March 30st 2018, and should be clearly marked ADocMolMag in the subject.
If the material is too heavy for being sent by email, you are allowed to use tools for transfer of data. Dr. Stefano Vannuzzi, from EIMM secretariat, will take care of the collection of the applications and will acknowledge your application