Isabel Abánades has been announced as the winner of the prestigious Young Talent Award in the Science category, during the exciting final phase of the eleventh edition of these awards, organized by Levante-EMV and CaixaBank. The awards gala was held at the innovative CaixaForum València, for the second consecutive year, and attracted more than 300 representatives of the Valencian public sphere.

This recognition highlights her outstanding scientific work as a Junior Leader 'la Caixa' Fellow at the Institute of Molecular Science (University of Valencia). Among a total of 30 nominations in the Science category, her research stood out for its innovation and relevance in the field of chemistry.

Isabel Abánades' research focuses on the discovery and development of hybrid materials known as metal-organic networks, with revolutionary applications in diverse areas, from targeted drug delivery to selective gas separation.

One of the most outstanding milestones of her research is her contribution as sole author in the development of a pioneering protocol to synthesize these metal-organic networks, which has significantly expanded the possibilities of these materials in terms of reactivity and porosity.

Isabel Abánades' victory reflects the commitment and excellence of ICMol-UV researchers, consolidating their position as a reference in the scientific field.