ICMOL participates in a project of Horizon Europe's WIDERA programme

The Universitat de València has recently signed the grant agreement for the TRILMAX project, the Trilateral Magnetic Exchange, in collaboration with research centres in Hungary, Germany and Spain and funded by the European Commission through the Widening Participation and Enhancing the European Research Area (WIDERA) programme of Horizon Europe. This programme funds actions that contribute to the improvement of the research and innovation capacities of centres in less favoured European countries.

TRILMAX aims to significantly increase the scientific excellence of the Eötvös Loránd University of Hungary through strategic collaboration with leading centres of excellence in Germany (Berlin Helmholtz Centre for Materials and Energy) and Spain (ICMOL Institute of Molecular Science of the University of Valencia and the University of Oviedo), with the support of the associated partner Budapest University of Technology and Economics. The collaboration, led at the UV by Ramón y Cajal researcher Efrén Navarro, will focus mainly on van der Waals-type magnetic materials.

information: efren.navarro@uv.es

Enlaces de interés: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101159646


3 julio de 2024 / www.uv.es New