It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 1st European Conference on Polyoxometalate Chemistry for Molecular Nanoscience (PoCheMoN 2013), held in Tenerife on 16 – 19 May 2013.

Polyoxometalates (POMs) are molecular metal oxides with dimensions in the nanometer range. Their uniquely versatile properties provide the basis for advances in catalysis, alternative energy sources, magnetic, electronic and photonic devices and medicine that are crucial to European science and technology. A COST-Network has been created in POM-based Molecular Nanoscience (PoCheMoN) to consolidate the European POM community and promote strategic and efficient POM research through collaboration.

In this conference the recent advances in this area will discussed. The main topics of interest will be:

• Catalysis and Energy
• Electronic Properties and Sensors
• Molecular Spintronics
• Biological Applications and Emergent Properties

The program will include contributed talks by the most representative European research groups active in this area, as well as short communications by the students with the aim of encouraging discussion and communication among all the participants and to promote debate.
Registration fee including full-board accommodation in Hotel Playa La Arena (4*) is:
Single room from 3 to 5 nights: 425€ / person + 80€ for extra night (For professors/doctors)
Double room from 3 to 5 nights: 250€ / person + 50€ for extra night (For students or professors with accompanying person)
BONCHIO, Marcella University of Padova (Italy)
CADOT, Emmanuel CNRS - Université de Versailles
CORONADO, Eugenio (Chairman) ICMol - Universitat de València (Spain)
CRONIN, Lee University of Glasgow (UK)
ERRINGTON, John Newcastle University (UK)
KÖGERLER, Paul RWTH Aachen University (Germany)
KORTZ, Ulrich Jacobs University (Germany)
POBLET, Josep Maria Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona, Spain)
PROUST, Anna Université Pierre et Marie Curie France)
WEINSTOCK, Ira Ben-Gurion University (Israel)
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