Bo, Carles: Computational tools for playing PoCheMoN games
Bonchio, Marcella: Catalysis and Energy: the Alluring Potential of Molecular Metal Oxides
Cadot, Emmanuel: Mo/V/Te(Sb) containing Keggin type anions : insights and potentialities of capped Keggin arrangements
Coronado Miralles, Eugenio: Nanomagnetism and Molecular Spintronics
Cronin, Lee: Complexity in Polyoxometalates
Errington, John: COST Action CM1203: PoCheMoN - an overview
Kögerler, Paul: Device Technologies and Applications
Kortz, Ulrich: The status-quo of POM Chemistry in Europe
Müller, Achim: Chemistry of Highly Interdisciplinary Character in Small Spaces Based on Polyoxometalates
Neumann, Ronny: Catalysis for Energy and Green Chemistry
Proust, Anna: Polyoxometalate outstanding electronic properties: for which perspectives?
Weinstock, Ira: Materials and Surfaces: Overview and Challenges
Agrait, Nicolás: Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy of POM Molecules on Metallic Substrates
Al-Oweini, Rami: Synthesis and Characterization of Multinuclear Manganese-Containing Polyoxotungstates for Homogeneous Water-Oxidation Catalysis
Carbo, Jorge J.: Reactivity of group 4 metal-substituted POMs. On the mechanism of oxidation and self-assembly processes
Gaita Ariño, Alejandro: Polyoxometalates for studies in quantum computing
Galán Mascarós, José Ramón: Water oxidation catalysis at POM-modified electrodes
Giménez-Saiz, Carlos: Magnetic properties of some molecules containing localized spins coupled through redox-active mixed valence polyoxometalates
Hiskia, Anastasia: Photocatalytic synthesis of silver nanoparticles in the presence of polyoxometalates
Kozhevnikov, Ivan: Novel polyoxometalate-phosphazene aggregates and their use as catalysts for biphasic oxidations with hydrogen peroxide
Lacote, Emmanuel: Catalytic applications of organopolyoxometalates
Nogueira, Helena: Lanthanopolyoxometalate composite materials with natural polymers
Parac-Vogt, Tatjana: metal-substituted polyoxometalates as artificial peptidases
Poblet, Josep M.: Polyoxometalates Adsorbed on Metal Surfaces
Schmitt, Wolfgang: Supramolecular Approaches to Coordination Clusters and Polyoxovanadate Cages
Suaud, Nicolas: Magnetic Properties of POM
Azcarate, Iban: Electrosynthesis of Polyoxometalate-Porphyrin conjugated copolymers and applications in visible light photocatalysis and photocurrent production
Duan, Yan: Synthesis and magnetic properties of two Mixed-Valence Polyoxometalates of interest in molecule magnetism: [PMo12O40]Ni2(Phen)4(H2O)2 and [PMo12O40]Ni3(Phen)4(H2O)
Lesage De La Haye, Jennifer: Smart Polyoxometalate-Poly(N,N-diethylacrylamide) Hybrids: Thermoresponsive Aggregation and Photocatalytic Properties
Masooma, Ibrahim: Introduction of some unusual polyoxometalates
Melgar, Dolores: Electronic structure of Keplerates Mo132 and W72Mo60 with O and S bridges
Rohner, Stefan: Oxidation catalysis by Ruthenium-Polyoxotungstates
Santos Vieira, Isabel: Efficient Routes for Oxidation of Organic Compounds Using Polyoxometalates as Catalysts Under Eco-sustainable Conditions
Vilà-Nadal, Laia: Electron Transfer Reactions in New Devices Facilitated by Intrinsic Properties of POMs
Volatron, Florence: Electrografting of Diazonium post-functionalized Polyoxometalates
Xiang, Yixian: Metal-Oxo Magnetic Cores Stabilized by Lacunary Wells-Dawson Units
Zamolo, Valeria Anna: Recognition of biological targets by hybrid polyoxometalates