The Universitat de València, the second in Chemical research out of the Spanish universities

calendar_today Nov 6, 2017
The Universitat de València, the second in Chemical research out of the Spanish...

The 'Nature Index' and the National Taiwán University Ranking (NTU), two international rankings that evaluate the quality of research, have confirmed the Universitat de València as the second and the fifth best academic institution in Chemical research out of the Spanish universities, respectively.

Moreover, at the Center for World University Rankings (CWUR) ranking, the Universitat de València is among the 10 best universities in the world in five subjects, being Inorganic Chemistry one of them.

The Institute of Molecular Science has a prominent role in this excellent position, as the chemical research at the Universitat de València is mainly carried out at our institution, the Faculty of Chemistry and the Institute of Material Science.

Beside its leading position in Chemistry, the Universitat de València also stands out in the area of Physics. Furthermore, NTU and ‘Nature Index’ positioned the UVEG as the third and fourth best academic institution of higher education in Spain, respectively.

In addition, according to the NTU, the University of Valencia improves with respect to 2016 on a global scale and is ranked 232 in the global classification, while it is the ninety-three best university in Europe.

Likewise, in the Scimago-Institutions Rankings (SIR), a resource for the evaluation of universities and scientific research institutions around the world, the Universitat de València is ranked 326 worldwide. In this classification that analyzes 5.250 institutions, 2.966 of higher education, the Valencian campus has moved with respect to 2016 from the eighth position to the sixth on a Spanish scale, and from 131 to 121 in Europe.

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Ayuda CEX2019-000919-M financiada por:
Postal Address:
Universidad de Valencia
Instituto de Ciencia Molecular
Catedrático José Beltrán Martínez nº 2
46980 Paterna